Yes, now its turn for my dear Milano to show what he´s made of. All this week was about Milán Fashion Week and I coudn´t avoid the feeling of missing that city and wishing being there again; after almost 8 months surrounded by a true sense of style and love for fashion, and by this Im not talking just about designers but about creating an identity based on your personality, Im here in my beloved country wishing this freedom was the same, I believe that we are all capable of expressing ourselves by the way we dress, its just about taking the chance.
Living in Italy gave me the chance of letting myself flow more, I pursue you to do the same!
Now the reason of this post: GUCCI SS11 !! one of my favorites because of the colors and the combination of textures.

Apparently inspired in and egiptian Cleopatra, with red lips and a strong face Gucci presented live colors in its collection.
I love this kind of color combinations but I think that the special touch was the beautiful and simple golden belt, that item defined the hole look and made it elegant.

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